Project indicators on AD Simulator and Trainings

Overall Goal:

All ATC officers working at ATC units maintain ATC ratings in line with ICAO standards through TAN’s continuing training program. 


Project Purpose:

All ATC officers working at ATC units have passed training in line with ICAO standards conducted by OJT instructors and simulator trainers.


Activity 1-6:

Aerodrome simulator has been operational.

(Done by Sep. 2017)


Activity 1-7:

Each of the simulator trainers  has been conducting simulator training at least 3 times per month.

(Project determined that trained trainers of AD simulator are three in UTDD)


AD Simulator Trainers and Expert


Mr. Gulov Firdavs
Mr. Khusenov Payrav
Mr. Kurbanov Sarvardzhan

Mr. Mansuri Makhmad (Admin.)


Mr. Rashidov Firdavs  (L)
Mr. Oqilov Mansurjon (L)

Mr. Gafarov Bakhriddin (T)

Mr. Sharipov Sino (K)

Project TF-1 AD Sim Expert:

Mr. Akio Sakae

Cerfiticates of AD Sim Instractors

Consensus of Outcomes from Activity 1-7

20171124 MM for 20 th TF1 meeting.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 427.9 KB

Preodical AD Sim. Training Plan for 2018 by TAN

Comming soon!

Training Reporting System

AD Simulator Operation  Manuals

Hindrances to divert to Radar Training as of Nov. 2017

Ship maneuverability against

A.I. by pseudp-pilot instractor


display differencial issue

Two-way En-route (RVAN5)creation issue